Marcotte has herself been seduced by conspiracy. Conservatives are not smart enough to implement a plan to entrap anyone. When they talk about Muslims and political office it is what they believe. It is not a part of some intricate plan. These folks are for the most part very simple in what they believe

It is however an interesting take that this is a larger euphemism directed against Pres Obama. I did not get that from the current discussion because I never thought Pres Obama was a Muslims and would therefore not be included in the discussion but from Sen Cruz' remarks , he makes it clear the president should have been included. But again, it is not some conspiracy. This is what these folks believe and once the seeds of duplicity have been planted, it can not be eradicated from their minds.

Yesterday I happened to catch a couple of Dr Carson supporters convey the meaning of his remarks. Someone in Dr Carson's campaign responded and it was clear he was a Muslim bigot. The other was a conservative operative who managed to change the facts and thus responded to a straw argument.

His contention is no Muslim can be president since they would not support the Constitution first. Suppose that should be the test for office. If so then at least half of the current crop of republican candidates should not be running as they profess their allegiance to a higher authority than the Constitution. Why, even Dr Carson is one of those people.

Dr Carson is I believe one of those typical conservatives who use the "right" words to rationalize to themselves they believe in the Constitution but it is a sham. He has Muslim associates; he tolerates them but they can not run for office. He justifies his position by pointing to his irrational fears.

He represents the most insidious aspect of religion. The belief only he is right.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!