Christian Law, or U.S. Law? The founders were clear on this... even though you can't find it anywhere in the Constitution, bastardized quotes taken out of context by some of the signers who you have never heard of provide irrefutable proof that the Constitution is based upon the Ten Commandments given to Moses on some stone tablets found beneath a Burning Bush (is that why the Bush family is so popular?). Some say there were fifteen Commandments, but Moses was unable to carry three heavy stone tablets and dropped one, shattering it into uselessness (God should have invented paper sooner, though it likely would have fared poorly under a burning bush, now that I think of it - there's that infinite wisdom again...).

Anyway, only a moron would not recognize that U.S. Law is derived directly and sanctimoniously, from the Bible.

Does anyone remember which page the "no Gods before me" clause is on? The sticky note seems to have fallen out of my Constitution...

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller