I didn't feel any need to watch the debate. Chaffee and Webb are less than window dressing,

This is all you really need to know at this point...

Clinton 48.3% Leads the polls by 18.2%

Sanders 25.1%

Biden(who isn't running) 17.4%

Webb .9%

O'Malley .4%

Chaffee .3%

Real Clear Politics

Webb appeals to the Very Conservative Democrats who simply can't stomach the GOP and a few veterans. O'Malley and Chaffee, whatever their stances on the issues, essentially appeal to no one.

Joe Biden is a good man, but as Vice President he cannot break with President Obama's policies during the campaign. His two terms as Vice President were the pinnacle of a long and illustrious career. At 72 he should retire and enjoy the rest of his life, doing speaking engagements, fundraising, and driving his Corvette whenever and wherever he wants. He has seen enough misery in his life and does not need the added weight of the Presidency to drag him down from what should be a long and pleasant retirement.

There is a bit of a horse race forming up between Clinton and Sanders but over the course of the next year Bernie's "small donor only" funding is liable to prove insufficient as the primaries begin in earnest and demands for staff salaries, travel, and radio and television air time add up.
We may see Sanders narrow the gap but most of the 17% currently allocated to Biden in the polls will swing more heavily towards Clinton once it becomes clear that Vice President Biden is not going to run.

Right now Clinton, in my estimation, stands at about a 60% chance of winning the nomination compared to 40% for Bernie. I expect these numbers to hold true throughout the campaign.

I would also note here that should Clinton win the nomination and select Sanders as her running mate the Democratic Party might see an amazing turnout come November 2016. The Clinton's are masters at political triangulation and I'd be willing to bet that Bubba and Hilly have at least discussed this privately.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...