If the Dems went with left and lefter they would essentially limit their possible and probable voting groups to liberals only.
Whoa there cowboy! Madame Clinton is a moderate.
She aint no lefty at all. Bernie Sanders' considerable success running further left than The Green Party is proving that there are a lot of Democratic voters who find Clinton far too conservative for their tastes.
I'll admit that she's way left of any of the Republican candidates but that puts her pretty much dead center on the right/left scale.
Clinton will not pull a single vote from anyone registered as a Republican. Moderate Democrats will all dutifully vote for her just as they will for Bernie Sanders if he should win the nomination. My thought is just that a lot of Progressives might stay home next November if Bernie is no longer in the picture.
I don't think it will matter one whit though. Whoever she chooses, she will still win the General Election against any of the Republican Insane Clown Posse. But if she wants to pull in the lefties and Millenials in droves Bernies as a running mate would do it. Julian Castro is a nice choice too but, I think she's already got the Hispanic vote locked up anyway.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...