Jails are a Pagan invention? I wonder what sort of documentation they have to back up that claim? Everything that occurred in the Bible took place in a very small region of the Middle East. Detention facilities were probably somewhat rudimentary at that time and so crucifixion, stoning, the cutting off of hands, and selling one's daughters into slavery for canoodling behind the camel pens were far more common punishments. Roughly the same handling of ne'er do wells as is found in the Torah and the Quoran. I suspect that the jailing of prisoners became more popular when Christian kings built castles and fortresses with dungeons and such.
Is this what republicans mean when they say they want to take our country back? Back to the Dark Ages? At least we Pagans have evolved somewhat since those times. Christians seem to be unable to cope with modernity.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...