Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Originally Posted by Scoutgal
If Rubio does manage to beat out Trump and Carson, I agree that he will have a hard time winning or gaining anything, no matter who the Democratic nominee is.

Agree. He's not a possibility. Just an empty suit, no substance.

The only thing Rubio has going for him is that he's not quite as nutty as Trump, Carson, Cruz, Santorum or Lindsey(did I miss anyone?). And he is less callous or shallow than Fiorina or Kasich(but not by much). But Either Sanders or Clinton(or my dog Twinkie) can run circles around him and beat him three ways to Sunday in a head-to-head match up for the Presidency. Unless the Koch brothers back him and somehow cheat at the polls.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.