His record as governor was a disaster. Things like this don't go unnoticed by voters. Obama is hated in Louisiana, but polls show that Jindal is hated even more. Other governors in the presidential race are also finding it hard to find any traction with voters. Scot Walker is also out, Jebbie might as well be, Chris Christie is going nowhere and Huckabee was never really in except among a few evangelicals. John Kasich might actually be the best among them and nobody cares a whit about him.
We will soon see the next phase of the Republican Primary Entertainment Extravaganza where Carson unravels under the weight of his own stupidity, Ted Cruz steps up his game and everyone continues to tread softly around Donald Trump.

Then the voting will begin and we'll find out what's really going on. So far we've just heard what the polls and pundits say. The voters get the final word.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...