Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
... How do we get them to care?
Hard times...

And to that end: we implement the full monty of the Republican line:

1) Austerity measures that make it impossible (more than it already is) for anyone to save money.

2) Do away with Social Security, unemployment, welfare, Affordable care, medicare and medicaid, all of the so-called "entitlements".

3) Don't allow ANYONE to immigrate to this country. If you weren't born here and don't already live here get the hell out.

4) Don't allow women to make as much as men for the same work, don't allow them any form of healthcare and/or contraception.
No choice or control over their own bodies.
And while we're at it: just ban them from work altogether, that way they can be where they belong- barefoot in the kitchen.

5) Start a war with Iran and Russia (and maybe China too, that way we don't have to honor the trillions that they hold in US treasuries).

5) Everyone will have free reign to carry a weapon - even an assault weapon. Hell, even anti-aircraft weapons.

6) Do not allow minorities to vote. I would say reinstate slavery, but that will follow naturally from all of the above.

7) Do absolutely nothing about CO2 emissions, climate change etc.

This country will become the biggest shytehole on the planet. Then they'll learn (or die) whichever comes first.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."