its somewhat early here, as my brain is trying to wake up but some stream along the way ....

based on current trends i see a situation of three blocks at the convention
1. the Trump
2. Sen Cruz
3. establishment (Rubio-Bush complex)

i see each block having about the same support and none giving an inch. how many times will they vote before everyone realizes the party is completely fractured and they can not present a candidate unless they broker for a single voice? either the establishment gives in to the crazies or vice versa.

the other day limbaugh was commenting about Fiorina's comment that if Trump was the candidate Sec Clinton would easily win but he poo pooed that by arguing if that were true then she, Fiorina, could do the same. Clearly he is clueless as the comparison is not equivalent. had he actually understood the difference he would understand the establishments quandary as they clearly understand the situation.

everyone's analysis is if Trump is the candidate Sec Clinton wins easily. the establishment has no choice but to broker the convention at the convention

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!