I sit here and watch the talking heads of TV discuss Trump. Not a one of them like him but, I think, they ALL admire him. Its very strange. It dawned on me to go back to the beginning. He tells his base, every chance he gets, that he is his own man and not beholden to anybody. This, I think, more than anything else, including his colorful, offensive, and thoughtless remarks, is really pertinent. My own suspicion is that the Republicans are sick and tired of their elected who have, obviously, been bought by big money. They support bankers, financials, billionaires, etc. They make no bones about this. I think that the Republican base is offended on a basic, visceral, level and are supporting the guy who has not been bought.

If this is right then there is a huge logical gap. Trump also, at every chance he gets, tells everybody that HE was/is one of the guys who buy politicians. Now, however, apparently, he wants to cut out the middleman. The inference is pretty simple; "elect me and I will do what I have always wanted a president to do - to help ME and do what I think is necessary to help ME". Apparently Trump is the new GM (what's good for Trump is good for America).

In other words perhaps Trump is the signal that we are ready to 'evolve' into some kind of kleptocracy wherein the powerful rule and damn all this democratic voting baloney, whining about the poor, jobless, and sick.