maybe, just maybe, politicians will look at this election and fear the voting public once again.

That will depend largely on whether or not Donald Trump actually wins in the general election. If Republican primary voters select a nominee who is badly beaten by a Democrat then the voters will have proved themselves untrustworthy in the selection of an electable candidate.

The last winning candidate they selected was G.W. Bush, we all know how that turned out. Then there was John McCain and Mitt Romney. Neither made a spectacular showing. Republican voters, angry beyond words, this time have chosen to support someone who echoes their hatred of everything not white, straight, and Christian. Someone who is pretty obviously playing them for fools just to get their votes.

He is a salesman and he's telling them everything they want to hear.

Then again, should he win, he's got to make a pretty good showing once he's in office. He's got to manage the economy efficiently to prevent job losses, keep the deficit under control, and basically make good on his single real promise to "Make America Great Again".

If he fails and we see another surge in military events, a soaring deficit, another devastating recession, and more Americans losing their homes and livelihoods then once again Republican voters are going to come under fire for their inability to select a leader.

It won't be so much fear as complete disdain for the political acumen of the average voter. The power brokers may not give Republican voters many more chances like this if they can't set aside their petty single issues, reign in their hatred, and vote like adults.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...