wow ... always amazed

PC dumbing down of America
why is treating people the same a dumb idea?

here is no right to be happy. There is no right to be respected. There is no right to have others respect your beliefs.
there is no Constitutional right to happiness or respect .... it is simply common sense and a courtesy to respect people as equals i.e. PC .... of course I will now conclude you typically bitch slap people as you walk down the street and call them names .... after all it would be too PC to have a little respect for people

another name for allowing other nations to abuse our laws and ignore our borders
could you provide a few names of these countries and how they abuse and ignore

people are tired of our government worrying more about other people than Americans
Laws are passed which apply to all citizens, not individuals. I will send an email to Sen Cruz and Sen Cornyn to name Tim in a bill personally, so I can say the government is more worried about Tim than all Americans.

I have been a long time advocate of government reform but I have never supported cutting off arms and legs to satisfy that reform.

Of the 19 major candidates for president only 2 have not relied on super PAC's. Here is an example of a place to start reform.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!