50,000 people have signed an online pledge to write in Sanders’ name or vote for the Green Party candidate in the general election if the former Secretary of State wins the nomination.
That many, huh? 50K isn't a drop in the bucket. Like I said, without Bernie they would've sat home anyway or voted Green.
Of those 50K how many are just bloviating and how many are millenials who don't vote anyway?
Adam Burch, 28, of Minneapolis. “I identify as a socialist
A millenial.
Who apparently trusts government to control every aspect of his life yet doesn't trust it enough to actually vote for whichever candidate best represents him whether he agrees with them 100% or not.

No, Jeff, I don't put much stock in this crowd of Berniebots nor the Green Party voters. I applaud their choice to vote their conscience and I don't fear their numbers. They are too spread out to affect the general election.

If Madame Clinton loses to Donald Trump it will be because Republicans have finally found a charismatic candidate who will bring the crazies out of the woodwork and into the voting booths.
As the primaries have shown, Americans are just not that excited about Bernie Sanders. He's not pulling the minority vote, he's not bringing out the millenials in massive numbers. He's not exciting mainstream Democrats.
There are plenty of states left. If the grassroots, socialist leaning, social networking crowd exists in the numbers you would like to believe, all they have to do is get off their asses and vote for Bernie rather than whining on social media. Democratic primary turnout is quite low and it wouldn't take that many of them to elect Bernie. Where are they? Apparently not voting or not existing in sufficient numbers to sway even the primaries and caucuses.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...