Trump Is Gaslighting America: This is an intervention. America, you have a Trump problem.

Nicole Hemmer
U.S. News & World Report
March 15, 2016

Dear America,

This is an intervention.

You have a problem.

Donald Trump.

He’s gaslighting you.

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless. He’s gaslighting you.

Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Wikipedia article on gaslighting