Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins

While it’s not exactly Morning in America, it’s undeniable progress and helps make the case for keeping a Democrat in the White House.

The only reason it ever WAS "Morning in America" is because Reagan's military buildup, together with his tax cuts, TOGETHER WITH the still vibrant economy (compared to OUR own post 2008 meltdown Republican obstructed recovery) and still extant manufacturing sector had not yet been destroyed by trickle down Reaganomics.

In other words, it felt warm because Reagan was tossing the furniture into the fireplace and there was still enough room for everyone to crowd around close to the flames.

By the time Clinton took office in 1992, outsourcing had begun in earnest, the tax cuts had redistributed income upward to the elites and the military buildup had run its course.

It was all smoke and mirrors.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD