Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
"hoped", not "hope". They tried throwing every kind of poop possible against that wall, but none of it has stuck.

Which brings us to an interesting point: They have never attacked Sanders like they have the Clintons. It looks like he won't be the nominee, but if he had made it the attacks would be relentless. The main reason they have held off is that Bernie Sanders is the candidate they would love to run against, because he is so vulnerable. By the time they were finished with him, he would get less than 1/3 of the vote. His polls only look good because Republicans want it that way.

Everybody keeps saying that....WHY?
What are they going to say? Lemme guess...

OMG TEH SOCIALISMZ!!!! tinfoilhat


Eaayaaaaaaghhhhhhhh!!!! (runs around room with hair on fire)

Yeah? So???
Think back, people. The Republican Party has called FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama socialists.
That's SEVEN PRESIDENTS over a span of THREE generations!
They even called Ike Eisenhower A COMMUNIST!

Do you not get a sense of BOY. WHO. CRIED. WOLF, after all this time?
Isn't it about time someone started saying "boy who cried wolf?"
This baloney commie tag, they seem to think it's radioactive, like the conservatives who think that all they have to do is say "LIBTARD" and they've won the argument.

[Linked Image from images-cdn.9gag.com]

Who IS IT that gives these angry little humunculi that much power?


Let em try to hang the socialist tag on Sanders.
Maybe it's a moot point now, with Clinton now having the mathematical advantage, but I still say that it is time for a cage match and it's time to end this once and for all, because guess what?
They're going to call Hillary Clinton a socialist too.
And anyone who thinks otherwise, or thinks there will be some kind of honeymoon between them and Hillary, is delusional.
But I still say, Bernie or no Bernie, it is high time Democrats and ALL liberals drive a stake through the heart of the red baiters now and for all time.

Everything we feared about Communism, that we would lose our homes and savings, and be forced to toil endlessly for meager wages with no voice in the system, has come true under REPUBLICANS.

Everyone knows it, but none dare speak its name.
Well I WILL speak its name. Republicans are worse than communists, more dangerous than communists, more everything.
And socialism has a long and rewarding history in this country, so it is time they shut the Hell up, and if they don't shut up, it's time we shut them up.

Name ONE THING that Americans didn't give the conservatives in the last forty years, things they DEMANDED in order to set the economy right...ONE THING.

They can't. No one can because America gave them carte blanche starting with Reagan and it continued till present day.
And they have screwed the pooch. America is turning into one big Kansas because of their moronic ideas about the economy.

They are wrong, they always have been wrong, about the economy, about everything. So why should their words have any power, about Bernie or about any damn thing.

ENOUGH. I'm sick of it and the rest of you should be too.
The Emperor has no f****ing clothes.

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