Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Everybody keeps saying that....WHY?
What are they going to say? Lemme guess...

OMG TEH SOCIALISMZ!!!! tinfoilhat
As we have already seen on Reader Rant - some on the political right think that the 1930s German Democratic Socialist Party was left wing.

So they equate Bernie Sanders with 1930s Germany and can't understand why half of America is not upset with Bernie being a "socialist."

Yeah but would they be voting for EITHER HRC or Sanders?
Oh Hell no, those are the Cruz and Trump voters!
No point in trying to reason with them anyway, so it's not like either Dem candidate is going to lose their votes.

Originally Posted by PDX Rick
...and when these same folks are not breathlessly hyperventilating about Bernie's "socialism," they're conflating American Socialism with Communism. crazy

Never mind the FACT that Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, Fire/Police protections, Interstate highways, are all paid for by the contribution from everyone for the benefit of the whole, and are indeed, examples of American socialism.

Yeah but again, they've always thought that way, they've always behaved that way, they ARE the problem!

We either hit this head on and slay the dragon or satisfy ourselves with a never ending succession of Democratic Casper Milquetoasts who whine: "Well yeah you conservatives might be right but I'm not that liberal!"

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