The thing about Bernie is, he already HAS won, even if he doesn't win the nomination, even if he doesn't get elected President.

For almost a century candidates have depended upon big corporate donors and wealthy elites for support. The excuse that a candidate HAS to depend on that spoils system IS NOW BROKEN.
Bernie Sanders BROKE the system, he has turned all the old excuses into lies.
An honest man (or woman) who runs his campaign strictly on the good will and support of the American people, IS THE NEW MODEL.

Say what you wish about Mr. Sanders if you don't like him, it doesn't even matter anymore, because Mr. Sanders has EARNED the RESPECT of a large number of Americans for running an honest campaign, and if he is unable to get elected president he will still return to Congress with his head held high.

He has already promised not to run third party, and he and his wife plan to make his organization's called "BNC", Brand New Congress, and he has published a list of "Bernie Democrats" who are running for office.
We are electing over 400 members in both houses this November. So with that kind of potential turnover, if we can establish the kind of support Bernie envisions, Bernie will serve as the conscience of the people as a counteracting force against wealthy corporate donors and lobbyists.

They nicknamed Karl Rove "Bush's Brain".
Well, Bernie Sanders may very well prove to be "Hillary's Conscience", and that is a very good thing for America.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD