Fury at racist cartoon comparing 'butch' and 'masculine' Michelle Obama to pageant-ready Melania Trump

Dailymail.com Reporter
The Daily Mail
May 14, 2016

A cartoonist has been accused of racism after he portrayed Michelle Obama as masculine and butch next to a pageant-ready Melania Trump in a controversial drawing.

The cartoon - which has been branded 'racist and misogynistic' - shows a muscular Mrs Obama wearing a green dress with a bulge in the groin area.

Stood next to her is a feminine, smiling Melania Trump in a pink dress and holding a Trump sign.

The artist Ben Garrison tweeted the picture on Friday with the caption: '#InTrumpsAmerica The #FirstLady will be Great Again! #Trump2016.'

[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]

Racist, no. Tacky and creepy, yes.