I remain amazed at this election cycle. I just finished with watching Sunday's Politics on TV. Its all the same old stuff. Everybody hates Hillary, powerful people hate Trump, taking money from the rich is always bad but Trump is going to do it for the main show and, if Bernie is the Democratic choice so will he and we all know Hillary already has. Everybody also agrees that Hillary and Trump are disliked by everybody.

Whilst all this is going on not a single candidate, on either side will even mention fixing anything. This infers, to me, that the candidates themselves think that gov is doing just fine and no fixing is necessary. My suspicion is that if the Libertarians really want to compete they should go in with a fix gov plan (I actually believe that ANY candidate that can bring themselves to say they want to fix gov right out loud, and are given space on TV, will be the winner).

I also believe that I am not sure that our nation's government can continue to be hammered, by all of media, constantly and without letup, and survive in the long run. For some strange reason our entire elected class, and the current crop of candidates, seem to believe that gov is just fine and dandy yet I have been unable to find a single person who believes that is even vaguely true. Even before the election there were signs that gov has lost the support of its citizens. This is, I believe, why so many of our elected have absolutely nothing good to say about the gov they are supposed to be running. So, the media reports only gov stories of failure, those in charge of those failures are, for the most part, eager to point out those same failures. Its as if we have an entire crop of elected that hate the very gov they are responsible for. What is even more interesting is that those who vote WILL vote these people back into office.

Then there are the parties. We have the Republicans who, historically, have abandoned any thoughts of fiscal responsibility and seem to be completely enmeshed in social conservatism, morality, and bias of one sort or another. The Democrats would have us believe that they love everybody but some more than others. The Dems have also demonstrated a really great ability to ignore, and allow, the other side to demonize, and trash talk them. Hillary, for instance, has publicly stated that she will not even bother to reference any of Trump's trash. She doesn't seem to understand that when Trump, 50/100 times a day referencing Hillary as 'Crooked' Hillary, people are bound to wonder what in the hell is going on.

Its generally agreed that both candidates, Hillary and Trump, have more negatives than any two candidates in the history of the nation. I predict that the Libertarians are going to have a genuine field day this election cycle. The Libertarians will have the only candidates worth voting for if one believes even half of the two majors have to say about each other.

This stuff is not going to get better but, I am sure, WILL get worse. I wish us all good luck..............