so in a state of the nile ...ok

~50% of registered voters turn out for generals

in this primary cycle we have had >30M votes cast
Mr Trump has over 10M votes .... are you saying these folks are rational? or the only irrational potential voters?

apparently you concluded I said all voters were irrational .... well that would be on you

consider partisans .... do you think they are rational? strange that they could be intelligent and yet irrational simultaneously ... and then there are the unintelligent and irrational folks .... you think there are only 2 in America????

are there any studies on number of people with irrational political views??? don't know but i recommend watching any news show and you can see spokespeople saying irrational things .... or better listen to callers on talk shows .... wow

while certainly not random and so not mathematically valid, it does provide a sample of what exists in the real world .... lots of folks who make political decisions based on beliefs and the nile

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!