Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
For me, Trump (and to some extent, the Republican party) is an existential threat to the United States, and Hillary Clinton is more about the status quo. In that regard, I am conservative.

Trump is out of control, and represents the worst instincts of the American populace. A truly considered view of his candidacy should produce horror, much like the atomic bomb. He represents crudity, greed, and the oligarchy more than any candidate ever, yet pretends to be a "populist". It is ridiculous.

But, you're right that Trump is the product of the tastelessness of television, and really launched the "reality TV" morass we are saddled with. It became all about money, and quality went out the window. Trump really represents the worst elements of American culture of the last 50 years - the "me" generation, the greed generation, the modern Robber Barons, and the rude generation. If he is truly what we've become, we are doomed.
I don't think Trump is all that different from our past Oligarchs and Robber Barons --- he is just being more tasteless in pandering to the prejudices of the Great Unwashed Brainwashed and tearing the mask from his face.

In this, he is being a Traitor to His Class, and the Establishment does not forgive him.

Once, weapons were manufactured to fight wars; today, wars are manufactured to sell weapons

It is far easier to deceive folks than to convince them they are deceived