It is astounding how you're all so damned concerned with who is winning the nomination - and not HOW it is being won. The question is: why is this nomination process so rigged? How comes it that if the party bosses don't want someone to win the nomination, they don't win the nomination? The question is far more important than Bernie or Hillary.
As far as Hillary being the devil incarnate: I don't believe in either god or the devil. She is better than any of the Republicans but look at how low that bar is set. She is not progressive.

Here's the acid question: would it be better for the country to have Clinton in the White House with a Democratic Congress, or Sanders with a Republican majority?

What makes you so certain that that would happen? Sounds like a lame attempt to justify the lesser of two evils.
I think that the opposite situation would be more likely. Especially because if Bernie were to win the election the Republican party would be in a greater state of disarray than it already is.
But, no matter. We know that she has been anointed, right?

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."