What is being classified as liberal? Is that the same as progressive?
No, I don't think so. Just to make the point, the difference is rather like the difference between the TEA Party and mainstream Republicans. Progressives, while nothing like the right wing lunatic fringe, tend to lean farther left than Liberals. I consider myself Progressive but the common sense side of me says that, at this time, a Liberal is better suited for the presidency. Hence my preference for Hillary. President Obama is not nearly as progressive as I would have liked, yet he made great strides. Hillary is not as progressive as I would like her to be, yet I expect to see the country swing farther left during her administration. At the very least we will get a more liberally biased Supreme Court which will pave the way for more politically progressive endeavors in the future. Efforts put forth by a more moderate president will stand a better chance of gaining traction in Congress than those of a progressive. Most of our Democratic congressmen and women are somewhat moderate. The president needs their support first and foremost. They are, unfortunately, beholden to the voters and beset by attacks from the right so it's not politically expedient for them to swing too far left if they want to keep their jobs. Even if they are really just a bunch of DINOs we need them as placeholders as we continue to wrest control of our government from the mindless ravages of the Right.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...