Am I an ideologue too?
Here's my question, or questions:

If Bernie loses the nomination, as expected, do the rest of the Democratic Party supporters feel justified in telling the progressives to DROP DEAD?

Does that make his supporters illegitimate and most importantly, how does it make his positions on the issues illegitimate?
Because if any of the above is true, then it means that the Democratic Party HAS NO liberal wing anymore. So what does that make the party?
Diet GOP?

Here's what I want you to think about.
Bernie's supporters now total approximately 40-45% of the party. How is it beneficial to throw almost half the base under the bus?
How does that help anything?

Now, I do not feel that this is an ideologue position, it's a simple question of effectiveness. If we throw almost half the base under the bus, doesn't it become obvious that the remainder of the base will certainly do their utmost to prove that they are just as conservative as the Republicans? After all, once you erase the progressives, you're left with Blue Dogs (CONSERVATIVE Democrats) Third Way, Democratic Leadership Council minions and DINO's, the Joe Liebermans, the Max Baucuses, the Zell Millers, the Ben Nelsons and the Jim Webbs, who by the way are the kind of Democrats who walked away from OBAMA during the midterm elections thus HANDING both houses of Congress to the Republicans.

If that's ideology, then you better label it the ideology of survival because if that is the Democratic Party platform, then we really do have a one party system, and the term Democrat stands for absolutely nothing, it's just the less racist and less misogynistic version of the Republican Party.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD