If you don't raise taxes on the rich then you're a republican. If you believe in trickle down you're an idiot.
If you think you can ignore the environment then you're really stupid.
If you think the only way to help minorities is by jailing them, and then trying to be nice as you take any chance they ever had of economic advancement and pass it on to the corporations, well, I have no words for someone who thinks that.
I don't recall ever saying I was in favor of any of those things.
But that is pretty much the beliefs of half the country and the majority in Congress, and that is exactly what the next president, just like the current president, will be dealing with.
I don't think we've ever had to suffer through a period of economic and social justice in this country, many have dreamed of it, none have made it come to pass. Instead, the war must be fought on a thousand fronts with a Congress that is determined to make any Democratic president fail and they don't give a rat's ass if the country goes straight to hell and the entire world economy is destroyed as they do it. This is our reality. I don't like it any more than you do but sweeping changes simply aren't in the cards. Genuine economic and social justice may have never existed in the entire history of mankind and Bernie is not liable to deliver them to us in the next four years. The reality is that he will pound his head against a wall of dissent trying to get it to break while a politician like Clinton will scratch and scrabble at it in a thousand different ways and places to weaken it. His method would get him a bloodied head, hers will make gains.
The art of the possible, y'know?

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...