Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Really, Liberals do NOT want to throw the Progressives under the bus: They want to elect a President who will get changes (especially in the Supreme Court) that Progressives will like. They won't get the revolution, and they won't suddenly get to hunt down and barbeque the rich.

Sorry to burst any bubbles but in all my years of being a liberal I cannot confess to any sort of desire to be a cannibal, even though in 1971 or 72 I seem to remember chants from some of my oldest brother's SDS friends, "Free Stanley Baker! EAT THE RULING CLASS!"

Why is it people imagine that liberals harbor some kind of confiscatory wet dream littered with soviet donoshikestya and neighborhood politburos. Please see "neighborhood HOA" and "church social" instead, as those are distinctly Republican ideas and as conservative as mounting a flag to your scooter and yelling about Jade Helm! ROTFMOL

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
But they will get a liberal Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

For some reason, liberals are still behind the curve on this, preferring instead to just let Trump win, let Rome go up in flames and muddle through the next four years. No matter how carefully I explain the damage that can be done by two or even three new Scalia/Thomas clones, they just don't seem to get it yet.
The remainder are happy to just yell that "Bernie isn't a real Democrat" and vote for Hillary.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
They probably won't get single-payer for all, but they will get some movement towards it maybe including profit limits on Big Pharma.

I still maintain that a crisis is coming in the near future. Hospitals are fed up with insurance companies, and doctors are finding it too expensive to maintain a practice outside of a corporate environment. The clerical resources necessary for a solo doctor to negotiate with big insurance are too expensive.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
They won't get free college for everybody, but they will get some relief programs for student loans and some low-cost state colleges and universities for the qualified.

My UCLA tuition in 1981-82 was couch change, about a thousand a year, which translates to roughly $2600 today if my math is right.
Any kid working a part time McJob can handle that, yes?
Believe it or not I actually think that if university is totally free for EVERYONE it will become "worthless", thus I actually favor a means tested and performance tied setup.
If Junior is of wealthy means or being supported by wealthy parents, full price. If not, Junior gets the 2600 dollar a year plan as long as he maintains at least a C average.
I think that even Bernie would settle for a deal like that.
He's nothing if not pragmatic.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Why settle for the broken dream of changes that the American public will not support versus some changes that they will support? Politics is the Art of the Possible. Having dreams is great, but fixating on dreams that never come true is for losers.

Again I am convinced that Sanders values pragmatism above all else because how else could a so called "socialist" reach across the aisle successfully for decades?

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