Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
We're basically screwed either way whomever gets into office
Somehow, I think you will change your tune after a couple of years of Hillary as President, versus Trump. They are completely different people, no matter how much you dislike Hillary. Trump would be a disaster on many fronts. Hillary will not.
I don't dislike Hillary, it's just the crap that follows her around and the decisions which she made, I don't agree with, and this crap is mostly of her own doing. I also fear that she'll govern closely to how her husband governed. Yes, I was around and I voted for Bill, but I didn't really pay attention to what he was doing - except for how it affected me, personally, being gay. That's really the only thing that I cared about back then. In hindsight, I learned this of Bill Clinton's tenure in office:
  • The Repeal of Glass-Steagall
  • Bill Clinton championed laws denying federal financial aid to "drug offenders" for college.
  • Bill Clinton championed laws banning people with criminal convictions from access to public housing.
  • Bill Clinton championed laws denying food stamps under federal law, to people who were once caught with drugs.

To me, this was all Republican-lite. I don't want that for President. Obama has moved us to the left, I'd like that progression to continue and I fear that Hillary will be regressive and she'll be too easy on Wall Street and get us into more wars. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire