Originally Posted by Greger
How I really want the country to be governed, probably won't happen, sadly.
Welcome to reality. Even if Bernie were elected the country still wouldn't be governed the way you want it. But if Trump were elected it would be governed like you really don't want it to be governed.
When the president clocks in for his/her four year shift he/she is handed a veto pen, a bully pulpit, a few supreme court nominations, and a million chances to make the wrong decision after not nearly enough sleep. In the balance lies world peace, human rights, climate change issues, the economy, and the day to day operation of the Federal Government.
We already know that Donald Trump would throw away the veto pen, select supreme court justices who use that pocket version of the Constitution, and give Republicans and the TEA Party free reign while they turn the entire country into Kansas. All while sleeping soundly and making more wrong decisions than George W. Bush.
Obamacare would go out the window, Dodd-Frank would go out with it.
Social Security would be slashed, deficits and the national debt would soar, the economy would likely collapse, LBGTQ rights would disappear, Rowe Wade would be overturned, taxes slashed for the wealthy. Immigrants would be faced with unspeakable indignities, police forces become more militarized and more unarmed black children would be gunned down in the streets. Veterans would be ignored while the military budget became even more bloated and we'd have boots on the ground in a dozen shytepot countries and flag covered caskets rolling in by the dozens. Trump not only doesn't believe in climate change, he doesn't even think there's a drought in California.
In a nutshell, America would be great again.
So, when you ponder the depredations that would invariably occur under a Trump administration perhaps you'll breath a little easier and not have to hold your nose while voting for Hillary.

Still gotta hold your nose. Comparing Trump to Clinton is ridiculous. Reality is she is retrograde from a progressive point of view. Trump is a Buffon. I have little hope for this election cycle. Especially when the rationale is "she's not the end of world". No she isn't but if that's a reason we're in trouble. The only reason I can see to vote for her is to vote against Trump - but I will do it wearing a gas mask.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."