I have no problem voting for Hillary Clinton. The only people who believe she is "retrograde" are those who are too far left to recognize the difference between Mao and Mussolini. She has always been much more liberal than her husband (you can look through history to see that). Being liberal, however, does not mean marching lockstep with every progressive wet dream. I'm very progressive. I'm also very pragmatic and very idealistic. You can throw out all the invective you want, that doesn't make it any more "real" than anything that Trump spews. Hillary Clinton is now a seasoned politician. Much as I like Bernie Sanders, he is not. Nor is he ever likely to be.

We're on the verge, I believe, of a significant (and hopefully permanent) political shift to the left. This is at least generational. Do I want seriously progressive policies? Oh yeah! Do I agree with Sanders on many issues/principles? Certainly. What is missed is, so does Hillary Clinton. Inside Gov; Hillary or Bernie?; Who Is the Real Progressive: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?

Sanders is on the forefront of a progressive wave, yes - but, he isn't leading it. That is a significant point. If you want to see the leadership of progressivism, you have to look elsewhere, like at Elizabeth Warren or Russ Feingold. OR, dare I say it, Hillary Clinton.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich