Apparently you are the one who needs to look. My extreme left views are called democratic principles. If that makes me an extremist so be it. You have tried to straddle a middle ground that does not exist. You are trying to defend something (not sure what) but without accepting the principles of what you espouse. As such, I ask you, without malice, who is the ideologue?
I have never said that I determine anything except - to a limited extent - my own destiny. I have expressed a view that is widely held amongst progressives that Hillary is not a progressive and I have backed it up with facts regarding her record and her choices.
You seem to think that because she is better than Trump that makes her progressive. The bar, as I've said many times, is way too low.
You are comparing people and not systems. That is not what determines the basis of a society. Mussolini was hung by his feet and set on fire BY THE ITALIAN PEOPLE! Mao died of old age and much of what he did in China remains today. You can agree or disagree with his policies, but that is YOUR reading of them - not history's.
Yes there are despots on the left and on the right. Of course, there are no saviors. I am not defending everything that ANY ONE PERSON does. But you seem to be doing that.
Again, it is disappointing.
You also seem to be ascribing to socialism the worst actors. Why is that? Do you see them as the only representatives of the idea of socialism? If so, you are, once again incorrect.
BTW I did not say that you were wrong to defend capitalism - just stand up for whatever principles you believe in. That way we can speak to each other as intelligent human beings which I believe we both are.
To call me extreme is funny, actually. I always thought that democracy meant the free expression of ideas and the OBLIGATION to dissent when one group is oppressed. I must be mistaken.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."