Chamber of Commerce Republicans dragging their feet on immigration because of their addiction to cheap Mexican labor.
It's not just an "addiction". For the agricultural industry it is an economic necessity and it's the reason we need immigration reform. There are jobs that Americans simply won't do. That isn't to say that the current system hasn't been abused by that industry and others but that there is room in our economy for migrant workers and there is room for them and their children to become American citizens if they so desire. Many don't. They want only to follow the harvests, work their asses off, then return to Mexico flush with cash for a few months of relative leisure with their families before doing it all over again.
Those who screech loudest at the thought of "illegals" stealing our jobs would screech even louder if the cost of an agricultural living wage were tacked on to their grocery bill. Not to mention that crops would rot in the fields and that farmers would go broke because there is no one else available at harvest time to bring the crops in. There was a time in our history, possibly back when America Used To Be Great, when craftsmen, tradesmen, women, and children put down their tools and set aside everything else to work in the fields until the harvest was in. Those days are gone and will never return.
We need our brown brothers and sisters from South of the Border to take up the slack. When Katrina ravaged New Orleans, who do you think came to clean up the mess and rebuild the city? One candidate would build a wall to keep them out. One party refuses to accept this influx of relatively cheap labor, when and where it's needed, is an economic necessity.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...