Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Another prediction: Republicans will pressure Trump to pick a woman running mate (Nikki Haley?) to blunt Clinton's historic significance and to counter Trump's misogynistic tendencies. Literally putting lipstick on an elephant.
Do you really think Trump will be pressured by the Republicans?
Who do you think wrote the speech he delivered by teleprompter last night? Did that "sound" like Trump? GOP leaders are trying mightily to rein him in, but... you may be right. He's a 70-year-old rich white guy used to getting his way. He is going to resist and undermine that "influence" any way he can - just like he contradicted his "walk back" of his Judge Curiel comments immediately after the press release.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich