Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
the superdelegate system SUCKS.

If it sucks so much, how about we cancel all their votes. Then Hillary is instantly the winner, because she would have more than half the total remaining delegates. No, the Sanders camp has to take this argument back because the existence of superdelegates is all that is keeping the race open now.

Sorry PIA, but it does suck. The idea that there is a need for deciding votes from lobbyists and Party hacks that can supersede the votes from the rank and file is a BAD idea. Always has been. Bernie doesn't need the super delegates to make his point. It has already been made: there is a deep schism in the Democratic Party.
This is common in Parties that act as umbrellas to differing factions (as any two Party country must). What happens when there are multiple Parties? They form coalitions for the elections around some candidate, however, each Party keeps its identity.
What we see in both the Republican and Democratic Parties is that the internal factions do not allow the existence of one Party identity, hence, no identity (or a very fuzzy one).
The reality is that NO ONE Party will ever truly represent a majority. It will always be a coalition of varying degrees of differentiation between members of any Party (even in small Parties this happens).
In the end, anyone with a brain will not vote for Trump so this is the Dems election to lose. Hopefully they can get their act together and win back both houses, eventually. The only way that will happen is if they acknowledge the existence of the left within the ranks of the Democratic Party. Trying to make believe it doesn't exist, or worse, as Jeff has said, throwing it under the bus is a losing proposition for the Democratic Party, and dare I say, for the country as well.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."