I think almost all Democrats like the idea of free college for everybody so inclined and talented, and they like the idea of single-payer health coverage. Nobody in the mainstream Democratic Party wants to throw the left under a bus. BUT they just think that those are long-term goals. Run on those as issues today and you lose. Try to implement those things on day 1 of a Presidency and they get defeated. We have to work toward them and one way to do that is to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. The other is incremental legislation, and to do that we need to take back both Houses of Congress. I know Bernie's Bros are not big on patience, but that is the way the US system of governance works. Revolutions get crushed.


Right now, this very moment, the existence of superdelegates is the only reason Bernie has to stay in the race. If not for them, Hillary would be the winner right now and Bernie would be done. So you can say they suck, and Bernie and his wife can say they suck, but if that really is true then Bernie is free to pretend they don't and quit. I doubt he will.