Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Nobody in the mainstream Democratic Party wants to throw the left under a bus. [...] I know Bernie's Bros are not big on patience, but that is the way the US system of governance works.

Au contraire, some of the biggest lights on social media ARE indeed throwing the left under the bus, same as they tried to do in 2008.
They are the modern extension of the PUMAS.

But I want to address the Bernie Bros who express a willingness to burn it all down if necessary.

"Bernie or Bust - Even If It Means Trump" is a remarkably staggering display of knee jerk reactionary fascism, so when a liberal utters a decision like that, what we are witnessing is that liberal person's "release of their own inner fascist".
That is the sign of a FAILED liberal, because if you ARE liberal, you must learn to CONTROL your inner fascist at all costs.
People who make decisions like that usually wind up becoming super hard core extremist right wingers later in life because too many of their stupid decisions backfire on them...and then they BLAME liberalism, when in reality it was their own stupidity that failed them.

They are so narrow minded and arrogant that they assume ALL other liberals are just like them, and that they all make the same kind of stupid decisions just like they did, so they attack the very liberalism that they failed to understand and implement in their own lives.

I am putting each and every one of you (you know who you are) on notice today to let you know that I AM NOT ANYTHING LIKE YOU AT ALL, and I NEVER WILL BE.
I HAVE learned how to control my inner fascist, at least to the point where I am BETTER than YOU ARE at it.

Liberalism is not for the lazy, the faint hearted or the WEAK of mind or spirit. So don’t even dare to blame liberals for the fact that you [censored] up and made stupid decisions. If you allow a fascist like Trump to win, you HAVE made the same kinds of decision a FASCIST WOULD ALSO MAKE, because you too ARE a fascist. You are a FAILED LIBERAL.

Go now, away with you, do not associate my name with anything that you do.
You are extremists and you have hurt the country far more than anything your fellow liberals could do.

Yeah, that’s right, I paraphrased BARRY [censored]-ing GOLDWATER, because in HIS final days even HE was a better liberal than you are.

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