Originally Posted by Ezekiel
I keep wondering (hoping) when they are going to slap the cuffs on him.
And, of course, they aren't going to. The Trump acolytes, the TEA Partiers, the teeming right wing masses, are the children of Reagan who believe that "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" are the most frightening words in the English language. They hate government, they hate laws that get in the way of their ideology. They even hate their own party enough to supplant more qualified candidates with the likes of Trump in the hopes that he will, once and for all, destroy the government they hate and fear so much. Not that they were given much choice, not a single Republican hopeful in this election was genuinely qualified to be president, so why not Trump. He did, after all, say the things they wanted to hear even if he was lying through his teeth the whole time.
Trump, to them, is simply not accountable for his actions, past or present. He was simply doing the same things they would have done if they were in his(expensive Italian) shoes. Cutting throats, stabbing backs, raping children, and trampling anyone or anything that got in his way.
To them this is what makes America Great.
Handcuffs? Pffffft...put a crown on his head and kowtow to the one who will take this country where they want it to be.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...