RE: Trump strumpet

Sarah Palin, spokeswoman and head cheerleader for Trump just dropped this nugget.

"Shame on politicians and pundits giving credence to thugs rioting against police officers and the rule of law in the name of "'peaceful protests.' It is a farce. #BlackLivesMatter is a farce."

Do they get the same news up there in Alaska as we get down here?

Whatever. At least this proves her to be an ideal spokesperson for Trump. And hey, don't worry about alienating black voters. There are ways to suppress that voting block. All you really need are the evangelicals, the white supremacists and the NRA. Is that three groups? Or two? Or one?

Last edited by Spag-hetti; 07/09/16 07:24 PM. Reason: redundancy

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.