So now the presumptuous Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has declared himself the "law and order" candidate. I'm guessing he is against blue-collar crime, since he would be standing in a courtroom right now if the proceedings against him for bilking people out of millions through Trump University hadn't been postponed until after the election.

And he further claims that he will solve the Veterans Administration problems by picking up a phone. He's going to root out (like a pig) the fraud and wrongdoing. And he is a guy that knows a lot about fraud and wrongdoing, at least from the perpetrator's point of view.

Good grief. Will this guy never have to answer the hard questions, or tell how he is going to accomplish these miracles, or show his tax returns, or be held accountable for HIS crimes? I just don't get it.

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.