Now we are shedding and dumping all of the fair weather friends, they can all go vote for Jill Chemtrails if they want, and then go back to sleep for 3.5 years.
75% OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE right this minute promising to vote for Jill Stein and abandoning Bernie Sanders will become HARD CORE NEOCONS in five years or less after they hit the wall, and they will run around trying to convince their new conservative friends that ALL LIBERALS THINK THE WAY THEY USED TO THINK.
Jill Stein does HAVE her faithful supporters to be sure, but I am talking about the ones who are ready to jump ship and climb aboard her bandwagon right this minute, today, July 12, 2016.
Give them a couple more failed HARDCORE socialist elections where they barely register a blip on the radar and they will throw the whole thing out the window and turn Republican or worse, Republicans for Jesus.

If you trusted Bernie's leadership as a candidate, you should continue to trust it now.
I often wonder what the world would have been like if we had gotten eight years of HHH as president instead of Dick Nixon.
I don't know, but I lived through him and then had to live through eight years of Reagan, and then Bush and then Bush, Jr. NONE OF WHICH probably would have become President had it not been for Nixon.

And now some are even saying that they would rather see Trump win, just to teach us all a lesson.

When people say they'd rather see Trump win rather than vote for Hillary, what I hear is, "I can survive a Trump presidency and screw those who can't."
If that is what you think, you're basically telling ME, and my wife, and our two kids (one gravely ill) that we can go f*** ourselves.

Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 07/12/16 10:20 PM.

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