What Trump excels at is that he knows in his gut how his supporters feel about a given subject. Mexicans are steeling our jobs and the rest are criminals; build a wall. Affirmative Action is reverse discrimination; Pocahontas. All Muslims are bad people; a complete shutdown. Obama hates all police and should never have been elected president anyway; body language.

The list goes on for miles but one gets the picture. I am not sure if this “talent” of his is instinctual or is he has advisors scouring polls and telling him the hot button issues for the talk radio crowd and extreme right internet gangs. What ever it is it seems to be working for him as all important, nuanced, and difficult subjects can be distilled to its essence with a whip like one liner.

Yet I have often wondered what he really thinks about anything other than effective self promotion that might get him into the White House. Where he truly belongs.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.