Originally Posted by Ezekiel
It's so weird. That is not voting against your interests - it is begging to be sent to a concentration camp.
These twinks support the same GOP that has put opposition to same-sex marriage in every single platform since 1992. It is the same GOP whose members have been trying to outlaw trans people pooping since they first found out about trans people existing. It is the same GOP that just, on the anniversary of the Orlando shooting, proposed legislation that would make it legal for government employees and government contractors to discriminate against LGBT people.

It's the same GOP that has consistently helped to elect candidates who not only do not want gays to have any rights, but who also would like to see gays burn in a pit of fire for all eternity. It is the GOP of Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, George W. Bush, Todd Akin et cetera ad infinitum. It is the party that has repeatedly compared their desire to marry the person they love to someone wanting to screw a dog.

...and some twinks are really into gas masks and German-style S&M apparently. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire