I knew she wouldn't pick Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, since she probably thinks she has that wing covered. Plus, I think she's still a little mad at Bernie.

So I was hoping for Julian Castro. He speaks Spanish, too. But she picked someone like herself, but with a better reputation.

Oh, and why does Hillary have such a bad reputation? Because the GOP has been flinging mud at her since 1992, when Bill Clinton was elected and put her in charge of health care. Twenty four years of mud slinging and nothing has stuck. But it doesn't matter that she has been proven clean over and over, the accusations still hang in the air.

Last edited by Spag-hetti; 07/23/16 03:36 PM. Reason: 2016 - 1992 = 24, not 26

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.