Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Okay, conspiracy theory time...

Last month it was revealed that Russian jackets got into the DNC mail system. DNC hack: What you need to know. Suddenly two days before the DNC, Wikileaks drops thousands of jacked DNC emails. Who benefits from this? Why would Putin's government want to release this information now? Oh yeah... Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing.

That's even funnier than your previous post. ROTFMOL
Truth is a conspiracy. Oh well, if you live long enough you'll see everything.
Why is it that when truth is exposed, someones will always try to blame some imaginary enemy instead of actually turning their attention to what has been exposed?
Let's just bring back the cold war while we're at it. rolleyes
Oh wait, they've already done that.

However, there is one facet of national security — arguably the most important one — where President Obama is turning out to be a real hardliner. That area is nuclear weapons. Obama has backed investment in new nuclear delivery systems, upgraded warheads, resilient command networks, and industrial sites for fabricating nuclear hardware that, when added to the expense of maintaining the existing arsenal, will cost $348 billion between 2015 and 2024. At least, that’s what the Congressional Budget Office estimated earlier this year. If the Obama plan continues to be funded by his successors, it will be the biggest U.S. buildup of nuclear arms since Ronald Reagan left the White House.


Puuuullllleeeeessssseeee.!!!!! LOL

From those who REALLY know what happened.

[UPDATE at 5:10 p.m. ET: In a private message, the hacker “Guccifer 2.0” confirmed he provided the email trove to Wikileaks, saying “Yeah man, as I promised.”]

The Intercept

But the clowns don't give up.

CrowdStrike said the hacker and their claims are actually an elaborate coverup by the sneaky Russians. Having interviewed Guccifer 2.0, Vice decided the Russian coverup narrative was the truthiest of the truths. The reasons put forth included that CrowdStrike and WaPo said it was Russia, the hacker's pseudonym is new, incorrect use of an emoticon, an instance of the username "Iron Felix" in the leaked docs, and they at some point used a cracked version of Office 2007. They also said it was because Russia obviously wants Trump to win.

The security firm would not confirm to press whether the file was indeed original stolen material. But it did call on friends, Mandiant/FireEye and Fidelis Cybersecurity, to back it up in another Washington Post piece. A third company, ThreatConnect, hopped on the train, saying it found evidence of a phishing technique (a misspelled domain name) in its analysis. CrowdStrike said that this very common thing that countless phishers do is exactly what one of those Bears does all the time.


Last edited by Ezekiel; 07/24/16 10:25 AM.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."