Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I'm not the only one who has noticed this. I've asked a lot of Hillary haters why. A VERY few have a substantial reason based on something she actually did. (And Zeke, you are one of these few.)

From one of the posts to the above article:
I've personally noticed that the more frothing at the mouth someone is about Hillary Clinton, the less likely they are to cite a real reason based in reality for why. There's something visceral, emotional, and personal that people don't like about her that stokes that level of hatred.

I can see why. There can be a dose of misogyny, but I think even among women who dislike Hillary, it is something that she exudes, it has that sales aspect to it, a sort of slickness that raises peoples hackles with respect to her true intentions. There is a natural distrust of any salesperson - you immediately feel they are trying to sell you something that is in their interest and not yours.

I also think most people become too personally involved in the election process. You know, the old, oh yeah, someone I'd like to have a beer with (as if that were a reason to vote for someone).
Obama - in spite of being African American - exuded trust and earnestness. She did/does not. Hence, he won the nomination even though she was the "favorite" at the start.

Bernie's ascension in the primaries was due to the same sensation.
You also note that Elizabeth Warren does not have that same level of rejection - so it's not [only] the fact that she is a woman.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."