Hillary Clinton is who she is and she is quite human. Both sides of the aisle have gone to great lengths to de-humanize her and have succeeded.
1) after the convention.
We'll know about that in a week. Just for the record I'm going to predict a 6 point bump. Trump got 8. The Never Trump movement was shut down on day one. Cruz effectively ended his career. It was the most lackluster convention EVER.
The DNC email leaks are going to hover over the Democratic Convention like some foul effluvium that just wont go away. It tarnishes Hillary even further and tells many that she shouldn't be the one accepting the nomination. SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS!

2)After the first debate.
She'll win, of course. But it will make no difference. She represents the status quo. Trump will make America Great Again.
Because of the Never Hillary movement, everything she says will be a lie. Remember, she can't be trusted. He tells it like it is.

3)After the media begins to pour out the rot in his past.
Please! That's been going on since day one of his candidacy and it hasn't worked. If anything it makes him more popular.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...