See, this is something that really bothers me about Sanders "Socialism": He's talking about taking the Middle Class from slightly poorer to slightly richer. What about the poor? What about the people who are too sick to work, either physically or mentally?

Sure, he talks about redistribution of wealth so the rich are not so rich. But how about a minimum income for the poor? Or does he really plan on that but doesn't want to mention it because it infuriates so many middle class or working poor people?

Also he is a "Socialist" who only cares about US residents. Those trade deals have really helped people in India, China, etc. Don't those people matter? Look at this graph of increase in income for different income levels:

Income levels

This shows that people in the 77th to 87th percentile of income have not had a raise between 1988 and 2008, but look at the folks in the 10th to 65th percentile: They have more than 40% raises, and that's a LOT of people. Sure the really rich made more, but their incomes did not rise as much as the bulk of the lower waged.

Those gains are the result of increased world trade, and that increased world trade is the result of trade deals lowering tariffs. And those trade deals are Bill Clinton's legacy. So I guess Bill Clinton caring about all the world's people is not selfish enough?