Originally Posted by logtroll
Looks like Clinton's post convention bump is kicking in...


I wonder if the Kahn incident is figuring in yet?
I suspect not. This, however, is what I have been expecting (and I'm not prescient, it's what a lot of political observers have expected). The race has returned to where it was, mostly, before the conventions. But we still have 3 months of ups-and-downs. It is incumbent upon Clinton to really push, which she is fully capable of doing.

Another thing... I'm getting really tired of Paul Manafort. He's like the ultimate flak. He reminds me of the odious characters on "Wag the Dog" and "Our Brand is Crisis". The Quiet American - Slate ("Paul Manafort made a career out of stealthily reinventing the world’s nastiest tyrants as noble defenders of freedom. Getting Donald Trump elected will be a cinch.") I watched the Sunday talk shows, and he was on all of them. Man is he smarmy.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich