Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Again... smoke and mirrors. Where's the evidence my friend? Where is there ANY evidence that anyone ACTIVELY tried to prevent Sanders from winning? You can make all the accusations you want, but that doesn't make them real, any more than Donald Trump's. OF COURSE the "establishment" preferred Clinton, who has been a loyal soldier for decades, to someone who became a "Democrat" only for the race. That is water-cooler talk. Once again, provide me with ANY email that shows that anyone actively tried to interfere with Sanders' campaign. Seriously. Show me the money.

There is nothing more disturbing than having one's illusions dashed. I get it.
But you say they "preferred" Clinton? Is that the way it is supposed to be? If Sanders was running in their party should they not have been impartial and let the voters decide (without showing preference)?
Oh wait, the voters don't really decide, do they? Only the so-called "super-delegates" get to make that call. You know, the ones who can vote however they are told to.
So please, my friend, don't make it sound as though it were a high school prank. It was a concerted effort to quash the progressives. It didn't work - because people actually wanted to be heard. Now they have to deal with it. But the cover-up is always worse than the event.
Not so hypothetical: A sitting president is shown to have ties with a conspiracy to bug his opponents. His campaign is using a slush fund to undertake covert actions against said political adversaries. There is no direct proof - or smoking gun. Who is responsible? Even if he claims he didn't know, then what else doesn't he know? Who handed out authority to people who perpetrated the crimes?
This is a big deal - and the sooner they get out in front of it, the better it will be.
It is a question of moral responsibility.

Last edited by Ezekiel; 08/04/16 11:24 AM.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."