Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I'm simply pointing out that this conspiracy theory, like so many others, has no substance, merely innuendo.

I don't normally buy into the correlation is causation gambit but when one assembles a timeline of the accusations, lawsuits, and then the resignations on the back end of the email dump, followed by the Hillary campaign asking for a much more progressive DNC chair, one does see a loose fitting set of puzzle pieces that point to some smelly business.

And the talk of Bernie not being "a real Democrat" is no longer "cricket" either because the man might not now be a "real Democrat" but he has now shown how he would like to SEE a real Democratic Party do business by using his campaign swan song as an example.
By being the classy guy he is, he is showing them how they should be, and in my book, he has done the Democratic Party a great service while transcending party politics to a certain extent at the same time.

And by the way, plenty of Bernie fans AND Democrats have responded in kind. Unity IS happening. It is slow, it is messy, it is still rife with bad blood but it is beginning to heal.

And Bernie WILL be an important asset to the Hillary administration. She's not stupid. She knows enough to align with a class act.

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